Women and war

The world seems to be torched by war in one place or another at any point in time. In most cases fighting and bravery associated with war tends to also correlate with masculinity. However, what about women: combatants of course, but also, those who are “fighting” for life in the midst of war torn lands while struggling to protect their lives and the lives of their children, their homes and their communities? How often do we, as public outside of a war zone, sympathize not only with the military but also with the civilians, the most powerless of whom are women, those who are caught in the midst of war by chance of their geographical placement and who end up wounded, tortured, raped or killed regardless of their allegiances? As humans we all suffer, both men and women, both during times of war and times of peace. However, war questions life, the very life which women perpetuate, nurture and sustain...
