What does one do when she realizes a certain fault in herself? A major fault, I should add, which apparently runs and ruins many areas of her life. If put in the frame of contemporary culture, "faults" are not a topic of major discussions, while complaints of "unhappy", "unfair" and "unfulfilled" lives are always quite popular themes and at best can result in unproductive talk, and at worst in episodes of self-pity or self-"mutilation". Modern western humanity constantly remains in the flax of trying to fix its individual lives, hence the number of shrinks, books, drugs. Not to say that either of these offerings brings its own validity and perhaps can act as a catalyst for inner change. There is a major difference, however, in trying to make one's life better and trying to improve oneself. Nevertheless, our culture of "quick", "tough" and "perfect" does not allow for prolonged contemplation of one's character and that is perhaps where should most of us start our search for inner perfection: by shining a cold light onto a particular flaw and trying to dissect its debris, while carefully cutting away the "dead tissue" to only allow for the growth of constructive new "cells". With more personal contemplation, however, there might be less talk among people, less complaining, less philosophising. That actually might sound quite appealing... at least, for some.
